Saturday, October 6, 2012

How to Reply to Someone who Calls You Crazy about Your stance on 9/11 Truth? Present them with the Facts!

Another person on a friend of mine's fb page chimed in with the "you are crazy" claims despite the overwhelming evidence of a major cover up on the attacks on 9/11.Maybe that's why I'll never let this go.I don't claim to be some ordinary citizen who suddenly thinks he is an award winning journalist or a professional investigator. But as one person titles his work on this same issue - "the facts speak for themselves".If you call me crazy for my presentation of facts but can't back up the reason you hold those views, than I don't see any legitimacy in name calling.I don't see any legitimacy in name calling PERIOD.It sounds like a broken record or some kind of scripted reply every time.A conspiracy within a conspiracy? Cointelpro among friends? Disinformation agents? No,not at all. Just people whom are lazy who call you crazy! You mean even after Pat Tillman's own entire family has told the world that the U.S. Government assassinated their son in cold blood for propaganda reasons and even after the U.S. Gov't told their own interagency ,the EPA, to lie on 9/13/01 about the air quality that has led to 1,000 more 1st responders and firefighters to die and thousands more that WILL die in the coming years -- that you have the guts to tell me this same old line over and over "you really think the U.S. government would kill 3,000 of their own people"? You mean the same government who has lied us into every war that had led to thousands and thousands of young American citizens-come-soldiers deaths?

Evidence shows that our military Intelligence operation ABLE DANGER, FBI counter terrorism units, the NSA,the CIA,the Pakistan ISI Intel agents who our CIA invented and have on their own payroll,and the Mossad, ALL of them had total surveillence on every one of these alleged hijackers from as far back as early 2000 and most likely much earlier.And WHISTLEBLOWERS ,who months later started a National Whistleblowers Association because of them being officially gagged,fired,and some later murdered -- came out and tried to tell the world their stories which included investigations,operations,and documents that were completely destroyed on orders from the highest level officials in the highest positions in the U.S. gov't offices in the White house and at the Pentagon.

These investigations and such that were obstructed or destroyed occured years,months,and weeks leading up to 9/11 and the 9/11 commission refused to address any of these issues.The FAA destroyed all their tapes that day on orders from high level officials and NORAD changed their timelines three times with times that are off by 30 minutes in several positions in the timelines that make no sense.A dozen war game exercises took all of our fighter jets far away and out of position that morning.

Cheney ordered a stand down as stated under oath by two high level officials, TSA head Norman Mineta and Counter Terrorism czar Richard Clark.Cheney and the commission lied about the time he arrived to the PEOC center underneath the White house where he was communicating with NORAD as per Mineta and Clark's testimony. Real Estate guru Larry Silverstein bought/leased the asbestos laden WTC's and insured them for terrorist attacks just 2 months before 9/11 and then he didn't show up for breakfast at the Windows of the World Restaurant in the South Tower for the first time in many weeks the morning of 9/11. Hundreds of eyewitnesses went on record stating they heard bombs going off before planes ever hit and then again well before the towers collapsed and then again even more who heard explosions just before ALL three collapsed.

So you call my research or so called perspective a conspiracy theory or conspiracy theories? I don't call it 'conspiracy theories'.The U.S. government's official story is the most ludicrous conspiracy theory ever invented.

1)Bin Laden was not wanted for 9/11, nor did the FBI ever have him on their most wanted list. Who was Bin Laden and why was he so elusive?Why was his last video in 2001 proved to be fake? Why do most of the retired CIA agents & other high level officials and experts state that he died years ago but yet we he was still used as propaganda even right up to May 2011 when he was allegedly killed and his body disposed of immediately and without photos shown to the public. SEE MY OTHER NOTES SECTION on further details involving Bin Laden

2)He was replaced by a different wanted man who didn't get a lot of press for some reason.All we know is that KSM confessed to everything including the Tate-LoBianca Manson murders after being waterboarded 200 plus times! Why wasn't Bin Laden captured and brought in for trial of to Gitmo for a Military Tribunal just like KSM is allegedly going to receive, instead of being killed and dumped into the sea?

3)The U.S. interests,the Saudi's and ISI funded the attacks and our foreign intel senate committee members Bob Graham,Joe Biden,and Porter Goss met with the Paki ISI General three times between Sept. 4th and Sept 13th,including on the morning of 9/11, the same ISI General who wired Atta $100,000 dollars a week before 9/11. But the 9/11 Commission ignored this fact and brushed off any funding of the 9/11 attacks as "insignificant".

4)Our gov't officials BLOCKED & OBSTRUCTED every investigation and operation that would of STOPPED 9/11 before it ever happened.These included NYC FBI agent John O'Neil's unit's investigation into the U.S.S. Cole bombing that identifiied some of the future hijacker/terrorist cells .But U.S. ambassador Barbara Bodine was ordered to suspend O'neil's VISA so he could not re-enter Yemen to complete the investigation even though he and his unit told the Whitehouse that he was weeks,days or maybe even hours away from catching the perpetrators.O'Neil was forced to retire and was hired by Giuliani's crime partner Jerome Hauer as head of security in the WTC's and he died in the collapse on his first day on the job.There's a PBS documentary called THE MAN WHO KNEW ,which I have on DVD that tells the whole story on the O'Neil case.CONSPIRACY THEORIES because O'reilly,Beck,Hannity and even MSNBC's Chris Matthews says so? Other investigations that were obstructed included FBI agent's Tom Wright and Colleen Rowley ,among others.Of course we know about the ABLE DANGER operation that I briefly mentioned above.Whistleblower Lt.Col. Anthony Shaffer was placed under a gag order for speaking out about how he and his military Intelligence officers identified Atta and some of the hijacker's well over a year prior to 9/11.

So why are we crazy? You mean to tell me that you whole heartedly agree with the mainstream media Corporate tools/Corporaterrorists Operation Mockingbird paid off millionaires??I have a question for those who ridicule myself and my researcher friends. Do you do ANY research with YOUR own brain at all??If the answer is yes,present the facts,If the answer is no or I don't need to, don't waste your time replying to any of my posts.

I've done 4 years of research on 9/11 and also on our history of foreign policy ..30 books,40 dvd's, 10,000 articles and so forth.But even if one or two of the evidence presented in regards to 9/11 are true , and there are indeed facts that prove that they are, such as the 9/11 commission testimony of officials as stated above that completely contradict that of Cheney's and many other's, than we have to question whether we are fighting legitmate wars over there.Who and what is Al Qaida? We know they were invented by the CIA to fight the Russians.

How much of this is just theater propaganda to protect huge financial & corporate interests between the global/central bankers, Wall Streeters,& the BIG profiteering private contractors? Aren't these legitmate questions? I am a 20 year veteran professional fireman/Paramedic and concerned tax paying citizen of this planet, not a 15 y/o kid carrying "9/11 was an inside job" sign, not that there's anything wrong with that either.

Any and every person questioning 9/11 or any other actions by their government officials and leaders are acting upon their constitutional rights that should be protected rights.Not rights that are undermined and deemed illegal under such farces as the Patriot Act,the Department of Homeland Security guidelines and some right wing political supporter who thinks his/her party are supermen/women whom can do no wrong.


-Why did owner Larry Silverstein insure these asbestos laden towers for terrrorist attacks just a few months prior to 9/11 but yet the 9/11 commission did not bring Mr Silverstein in for questioning under oath?

-Never before have we've seen a building fall at free fall speed into powder.WTC 7 fell the same way as 1 & 2, but yet WTC's 5 & 6,which had more fire and damage, as well as the hotel sitting right there,closer than 7...all did NOT collapse.Why did the 9/11 comission completely ignore WTC 7 in their final report? And always remember this: WTC 7 was NOT hit by a plane.

-WTC 7 housed Giuliani's billion dollar failure of a Emergency Ops center that was situated on the 22nd floor.How did the collapse wade thru a floor that was disaster proof?

-Why did Rudy and his boys move their operation to Piermont street? Why did Giulani say that he knew the towers were going to come down but didn't warn the 343 firemen that died that day?

-Why did Rudy replace bad communication radio's with even worse ones in the year or years leading up to 9/11?

-Why did Bush and the EPA tell 1st responders that the air quality was safe to breathe,leading to thousands of more post-9/11 illnesses and death?

-Why did Giuliani name Jerome Hauer his OEM(Offices of Emergency Management) director in wtc 7 in the prior years to 9/11 who happened to be an Anthrax expert who put the Whitehouse staff in Cipro just days before the first Anthrax attacks? Why wasn't the rest of America warned and put on Cipro too? And how did Jerome Hauer and Whitehouse officials have foreknowledge of this?

-Why was scientist Bruce Ivins blamed when he only dealt with wet anthrax and not the dry white powder kind that was found in the attacks?

-Why would Democrat's Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy,who both voted against the Iraq War and the Patriot Act, be targeted with Anthrax Attacks?

- Why did Bush attack Iraq when they had nothing to do with 9/11?

-Why did the CIA destroy all of their interrogation tapes of detainees but yet not addressed by the 9/11 commission

-Why did the FAA destroy all their taped recordings on 9/11, and this issue NOT addressed by the 9/11 commission?

-Why has Bin Laden mysteriously been elusive? Why did his video released just after 9/11 look NOTHING like him?

-Why did the FBI remove Bin Laden from their MOST WANTED List?

-Why did Bush allow the Bin Laden family to fly out of the U.S. before being questioned and when all other planes were grounded by the TSA and FAA officials?

-Why did PNAC state in a document BEFORE 9/11 that we needed a revamping of our defense spending and military but that these changes would not take place unless we had a new pearl harbor event? And then we get that event and our defense spending increase by billions?

-Why did Norman Mineta of the TSA say under oath that Cheney communicated with a fellow military officer about a plane coming toward the Pentagon as far as when it was 80-100 miles out and then told the officer that the orders still stand,resulting in an alleged strike of the Pentagon which happened at 9:37am, with Mineta and CC chief Clarke both saying that Cheney was in that PEOC center running communications as early as 9:15am but yet the commission reports in their final report that Cheney did not arrive to the PEOC until 10am?

- Why were there numerous war game drills involving these same exact scenario's ocurring on 9/11 as well as several far away simulating an attack by Russia that took away most of our F-16 fighter jets and why did NORAD lie about their timelines 3 different times?

-Why did Cheney have ties to a Boston based software company that was owned by a Saudi that specialized in PTECH software that was used in radar screen communications that could explain faux blips asserted onto the screens to confuse ATC's?Why was this NOT investigated?

-Why did Condi and Bush go on tv and tell the world that they were NOT aware that planes could be used as weapons into buildings when our own military and DOD and Pentagon drilled on these exact scenario's many times leading up to 9/11?

-Why did Bush officials ignore hundreds of near specific warnings to date and locations on top of the infamous August PDB report that read "Bin Laden determined to strike within the U.S."? Why would Bush hide in a classroom in Florida knowing this?

- Why would CIA directir George Tenet say that the light was blinking red and he was running around with his hair on fire but yet administration officials ignored him?

- Why would Bush stay in the classroom that morning knowing that he could be a target too and innocent school children could of been killed?

-Why did the secret service and a tv reporter admit that Bush saw the news of the first plane hitting a tower before he left his hotel to take the limo drive to the school,but yet he later makes s statement telling the world that he saw the first plane fly into the tower while walking into the school?

-Not only did he lie when he saw the news about the first plane,but how could he say he saw the footage of the first plane flying into the tower when it wasn't televised?

-Why were 200 Israeli spies arrested on 9/11 with 5 of them found with explosives,arab costumes,and box cutters in their van when chased and stopped by NJ pd after they were seen video taping the first plane coming into the tower?

-Why did a FDNY fireman who took the FBI around on an ATV looking for the blackboxes specifically on ground zero, state that he witnessed the FBI finding 3 black boxes but yet the commission later lied and said none of them were found? Never in history were black boxes not found.

-Why did Hanour's instructor state that the alleged hijacker pilot of flgiht 77 could not get a cessna off the ground but yet he was able to manuever a 260 degree turn that hundreds of retired commercial and military pilots for "Pilots for 9/11 truth" stated that would be impossible even for them to accomplish due to the g-forces required,but yet Hanjour allegedly completed the turn and then flew at an impossible ground level g-force path,also impossible to do,and then the plane all but disappears with none of the small parts that were found were offficially matched to a 757 AA plane?

-Why were 85 video camera's surrounding the perimeter's of the Pentagon and the nearby Citgo gas station never released?

- How was it that the alleged hijacker pilot of flight 93 Ziad al-Jarrah's passport was found intact enough to ID him to show proof to the world that he was in fact the pilot, yet almost everything else disintegrated inside a hole in the ground in that Pa field?

-How do you explain that Jarrah's cousin was arrested for spying for Israel last year?

-Why was it reported and confirmed that most of the hijackers had flown or attended at gov't military flight schools?

- Why did the Pakistan ISI intel chief who wired $100,000 Atta before 9/11, end up having a meeting with Foreign Intelligence Committee members Bob Graham and Porter Goss on Capitol Hill on the morning of 9/11 just before the attacks occured? He also met with Joe Biden before and after 9/11 and then was fired by the ISI just after.

-Why were Intelligence officers working on Operation Able Danger gagged and fired for speaking out about how they identified Atta and several hijackers before 9/11 but were ordered to destroy all their data by higher level U.S. officials?

-Why did Bush and Cheney refuse to testify in the open assembly commission room,refuse to testify under oath,separately,and refuse to be recorded?

Just some of the facts you can look over for yourself that need ANSWERS:

9/11 Explosive Connections (NEW Information!)




The Unidentified Murder Weapons:The Four Airplanes


Barry Jennings WTC 7 Interview Eyewitness (Later Murdered)


John Gross, one of the lead engineers of the NIST ,lied and stated he was unaware of molten metal lava/pools of steel under the collapsed towers nor was he aware of the numerous witnesses that had already come foward and stated on the record of such accounts.


Physists tested the dust/powder from Ground Zero and found Nanothermite


Despite the substantial evidence for the use of explosives at the WTC, and the extensive expertise in explosives among NIST investigators, explosives were never considered in the NIST WTC investigation.

Top 10 Connections Between NIST and Nanothermite


Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Speak out

WTC Owner Larry Silverstein gave order to "pull" Building 7


Twin Towers Engineered To Withstand Jet Collision


On 9/11, Solicitor General of the United States, Ted Olson played his part in the 9/11
cover-up by attempting to legitimize fake phone calls from his allegedly deceased wife


Bin Laden FBI most wanted page omits 9/11


Good Morning America learns that Bin Laden is CIA





Cell Phone Calls above 2,000 feet,let alone 20,000 feet, impossible on 9/11


PNAC and the NEOCONs: wanted a new Pearl Harbor


Bill Cooper predicts 9-11 on the air a few months before


9/11 Commission Report bars 503 1st responder eyewitnesses


President Bush knew of WTC crash before leaving hotel

Bush Lies to the world about watching first plane on tv live

No Fighter Jets Scrambled for 90 Minutes


FBI Concealed WTC Black Boxes

Lies of 9/11 Exposed

Porter Goss & ABC Report Confirms that Bush & Rice Lied about Planes being used as Weapons


Rudy Giuliani Holds Up Black Box Then It Disappears

Jesse Ventura "Where are 911 black boxes?" Conspiracy Theory Episode


Special Army Officer Sues Rumsfeld,Cheney Failure to Evac Pentagon



FBI Agent John O'Neill, Killed on 9/11.FBI Higher-Ups 'Shut Him Down' ,Letting 9/11 Happen


The CIA-front Saudi-terror linked software corporation that made
Surveillance-Intervention software for the FAA, NORAD (pre-9/11


9 11 Prior Knowledge Ptech, Indira Singh, Yasin Al Qadi 12 6 2002 CBS


Proof Explosives Witness Reports 9/11 U can Hear the BOMBS!


William Rodriguez Part 1


William Rodriguez Part 2


William Rodriguez Part 3


911 Commission - Trans. Sec Norman Mineta Testimony

Mossad Truck Bombs on Sept 11/Police radio reports

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11

Israeli 9/11 terrorism ties - FOX News report - now CLASSIFIED


Israeli 9/11 terrorism ties - FOX News report - now CLASSIFIED 2


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